
Ayurveda Yoga Hatha therapeutic

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Photo: Alice Liddel

Holistic Hatha Yoga - precise alignment and Ayurvedic wisdom

Experience a personalized Hatha Yoga class designed with Yoga Ayurveda therapy principles, tailored to your unique anatomy. This practice extends beyond just bones and muscles, incorporating fascia, joints, and organs for a comprehensive approach.

We delve deep into the awareness of our different koshas (layers of being) and explore the various doshas and their properties within us. Experience 90 minutes of yoga in all its facets, including asana, pranayama, and meditation.

Please note: Although this Hatha Yoga class incorporates principles of yoga therapy, it is intended for healthy and uninjured participants. It does not provide individual Yoga Ayurveda therapy. In line with Ayurveda, this class aims to maintain health preventively.

27.10 I Vata – Air and Space
08.12 I Kapha – Earth and Water
from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m

We look forward to seeing you.

Mindful Life Berlin

PS: Feel free to book your place via your USC app or directly using the following button.