
Yoga morning routine

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Photo: Johannes Berger

Good morning!

If you want to take some time for yourself right after you wake up, these yoga stretches can help.
The good thing is: you don't even have to leave your bed!

Side bend

Find a comfortable sitting position.

As you inhale, bring your arms up over your side, and as you exhale, bring your left arm to the ground, lift your right arm towards the sky and lean slightly to the left side. Feel the stretch in the right side of your body.

As you inhale, bring both arms over your head again and as you exhale, switch sides. Right arm to the floor, left arm up and to the side.


Stay in your comfortable sitting position.

As you inhale, bring your arms up over your side, and as you exhale, bring your left arm onto your right knee or thigh.

Place your right arm on the floor behind you.

With every inhalation you create more length in the spine, with every exhalation you can go a little further into the rotation.

Inhale and come back to center, bring your arms over your head, exhale and change sides.

Forward bend & back bend

Come into the so-called four-footed position. Hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips.

As you breathe in, you bend your back downwards, pull your shoulders back and raise your head slightly (cow pose). As you breathe out, your back becomes rounded, vertebra by vertebra, your pelvis begins to tilt, your chin is pulled towards your breastbone (cat pose ).

As you breathe in, open your chest, lift your gaze and come back into cow pose.

Repeat this flow of movements a few times.

Have fun!
Your team from Mindful Life Berlin